Vendor Information December 8

So you want to be a vendor with Atlanta Cosplay Yard Sale and Charlie’s Collectible Show? Fantastic! Each vendor fills out an application, upon which you get an email if you have been approved, you make payment for your space, and then 1-2 weeks before the event we will send a very long detailed email about load-in, times, etc…

Worried about approval? Don’t be! Those who have been denied in the past thought we were a regular yard sale, or they were not selling items that the venue allowed (no real weapons). Not sure if your items fit within ACYS? Fill out the form and try us! We’re nice. Promise!

Spaces are $50/each and we will have an 9×8 area squared off for you to bring your own tables. Each vendor will have a booth spot… just fit it in your square without encroaching on your neighbor, and you’re all set. It has always been our policy that neighbors are kind, considerate, and speak to one another. It’s worked for over 7 years.. and we hope the success will continue.

Applications and payments for tables must be made by November 1 to secure your spot. Spots are considered reserved once payment has been made. It could sell out before you pay.. so act as fast as you can. Need to cancel your spot? You can get a refund prior to December 1.

Charlie’s Collectible Show 6009 Memorial Dr Unit 14, Stone Mountain, GA 30083

ACYS and CCS Cosplay Yard Sale public hours are 10am-3pm

Charlie’s Collectible Show closes at 6pm. If vendors want to remain open until closing, they are welcomed to, but the official cosplay yard sale hours close at 3pm.

Vendor registration is now OPEN for the ACYS and CCS Cosplay Yard Sale: